Together an Active Future Podcast
Together an Active Future Podcast
TaAF Talks - Behaviour as the foundation for change
In yet another riveting podcast, Ken and Jamie (who used to be appallingly behaved and who are now slightly better) talk behaviour as fundamental to the TaAF Model for Change and explore key questions such as, why do any of us make the decisions we do, what drives our behaviours, good or bad and how likely is it we can change.
Great questions to explore when you’re interested in making real change happen.
In this episode of TaAF Talks, we'll be discussing...
1.45 - How behaviours relate to the TaAF model for change
8.08 - What if we didn’t? Encouraging individuals and teams to think differently
12.35 - Sharing ingrained and learned behaviours
20.02 - How values can drive behaviours
28.36 - Things you can do to help you start making behaviour changes